Elisa Cañas Ruiz
Partner of MGI Audicon & Partners
Before joining MGI Audicon & Partners in 2006, Elisa Cañas worked for Deloitte, among other important auditing and consultancy firms, being her core duties the provision of financial services for businesses with diverse functional and sectoral features, within which she developed accounting and administrative processes for various clients, bank reconciliations, tax compilations, monthly closures and carried out statements and reporting for the head office.
Graduate in Business Administration by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 2005. Member of the Official Register Of Accounting Auditors ROAC (2014). She has an extensive background in Advanced Accounting, International Auditing Standards (NIAS-ES) y and Public Sector Auditing. Accountant Expert Accreditation (REC). She is member of bodies such as the Register of Economic Auditors and the College of Economists of Madrid.